Our Photovoltaic Modules
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European Experts in Residential Integration
Our wide range of products, together with the possibility of producing ad hoc modules, and the know-how gained from many years of experience, result in a reliable and robust product, with a first-class finish and long-term performance.
high-quality products
Reliability for your projects
Eurener photovoltaic modules have passed all the main European tests in terms of durability and performance.
We offer a logistics services that take our modules wherever you need them: to the site or to your warehouse.
Personalized Service
There is no distance separating us from our customers. In Eurener we like the direct and continuous dealings with our partners.

Proximity, availability, flexibility, reliability, adaptability. We don’t see our clients as customers but as partners with a two-way relationship.

I think it's natural to make room for higher powers. It is the result of improving performance and achieving high power and efficiency. It's the evolution of the industry!

The bestseller on the German market is definitely our highly aesthetic Ultra Premium Series, but our Full Black HC modules are also very popular.

Due to the use of specific mounting systems in some markets, there will continue to be a certain demand for modules with smaller cell sizes.

The most interesting thing about working with the Dutch market is that people are fully focused on making the Netherlands 100% renewable as soon as possible.
